Sure, fast Internet is enormously important, today more than ever.
Because home office, e-learning, online shopping, streaming services, Whats App, Alexa & Co: Without fast Internet, none of this works properly. That’s why location development and company settlements are hardly possible without fast Internet.
More and more people are using the Internet more and more. And especially for things with high data volume, such as videos and TV streaming services.
However, the increase in Internet use, i.e. demand, is happening much faster than the expansion of the required infrastructure. This is making itself felt: Jerking movies, unreachable websites and news that only arrive after hours.
Or even dead spots and overloaded networks. Then you can’t even make mobile phone calls anymore.
Because: The more users share a cell phone mast, the slower the network becomes!
More than 50 people who want to use high data volumes at the same time are quickly together!
Operators and politicians all promise us fast Internet: “High-speed, ultra-fast, at least 100 Mbit per second”, one outdoes one another in ambitious digitization plans. Right at the top of the agenda: Fast Internet for everyone. First it was announced until 2020, now until 2030, but then with 1000 Mbit per second.
The Internet providers are already promoting their maximum speeds. But they do not guarantee us a minimum speed. That is simply concealed.
As the daily newspaper “DER STANDARD” shows with the example of Vienna and Austria, reality is lagging far behind all these full-bodied announcements.
In 2015 they said: “By the end of 2020 there will be 100 Mbit per second areawide in Vienna”.
In fact, this figure is only 29 Mbit/s. And that is on average!
In all other Austrian provinces not even this value is reached.
Some communities even have to do with 10 Mbit/s only.
Until today only very few people in Austria have fast Internet over fixed net, i.e. cable!
Recently we have heard that 5G, fiber optic cables and broadband will quickly remedy the situation.
But how realistic is that? And what about rural regions?
5G needs fiber optic cable as a basic network
This means that 5G will be available first, where these cables are already available. And, of course, where a high number of users also justifies the high costs of the expansion for the operators.
So – as always – the conurbations will be the first to be serviced. For smaller communities in the countryside it will be even more difficult in the coming years.
Because the existing, already slow Internet will become even slower through increased use. A higher number of transmission masts for mobile communications can help. Or even the laying of fiber optic cables. Both, however, require not only personal initiative but also funding.
Because it will be many years before fiber optic cables for fast Internet are laid everywhere as naturally as sewer and power connections.
Unfortunately, the infrastructure for fast Internet is expensive and does not pay off for few users.
No matter how you twist and turn it: Fast Internet will not be available in many areas, including tourist destinations, anytime soon.
This is of course a problem for all the smart, digital possibilities:
After all, what good is the coolest guest app if it doesn’t work reliably because the Internet is too slow?
The elaborate virtual reality installation, if the connection breaks down again and again?
Or the QR codes on signposts, if there is no network at all?
In such cases, digital offline solutions are the best choice.
With SpeechCode you can offer robust audio guides and speaking guidance systems without any network connection, free of charge for all guests.
Innovative and cost-effective storytelling that works reliably anytime, anywhere – even without a fast Internet connection.
The speechcode app works without a network – always and everywhere!
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