Audible manuals and operating instructions

Listen to audio version

Added value for all

Audible manuals have many advantages over printed editions – both for companies and their customers.

More convenience as customer service

User manuals are an area where there are definitely opportunities for more customer convenience.

After all, who hasn’t experienced this: first finding the right language in the printed manual. Holding it with one hand to keep the page open. Laboriously deciphering the text in small print. Then having to handle the device with one hand and constantly look back and forth between the manual and the device…..

In addition, people with visual impairments or reading difficulties cannot read these manuals at all.

Audible manuals, on the other hand, offer much more convenience:
Hands and eyes remain free for the device in question.
And reading aloud also allows those who can only read poorly or not at all to access the information.

Man reading in structions on laptop next to kitchen appliance

Whether in paper or digital form, having to read is never as convenient as simply listening!

Successful in marketing

Audible manuals are ideal for marketing activities because they provide customers with real and innovative added value.

And for several interesting target groups:

  • Generation 50+
  • people with visual impairments, reading difficulties, or language difficulties
  • and all those who do not like to read.

In total, that’s almost 50% of the population. More…

Audible manuals have the advantage that they work for any product. And they can be used to develop creative campaigns aimed at specific target groups.

There are also legal issues to consider:
The “placing on the market” of a product comes with a precisely regulated obligation to provide information.
In the case of medical products, attention must be paid to the comprehensibility and accessibility of the information.
This also requires barrier-free access to the information for people with visual impairments!

Woman learning how to use her washing machine and fixing problems, she is checking the instructions on the manual - audible manuals would help

Audible manuals would be a real USP for many target groups!

Audible manuals – so simple!

Don’t worry, the solution is not to include the manuals as e-books.

But rather, SpeechCode, a clever combination of data code or NFC tag, app and voice assistant:

The text of the manual is transferred into a printable data code or onto an NFC tag using the Speech Generator software.
Customers scan this code or NFC tag with the free speechcode app.
They can immediately read the text on the display or have it read to them by voice assistant.

It couldn’t be simpler:
Manufacturing and cost efforts, space requirements and weight of these audible manuals are very low.
But the added value for customers and in marketing is comparatively high.

Magazin Meine Reisewelt mit SpeechCodes

The first audible manuals and magazines with SpeechCode are already available.


What are you waiting for?   TRY IT OUT NOW


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SpeechCode – How it works -try it now!

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